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MapLink™ | Procedures | Roads and Driveways

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Roads and Driveways
Roads and driveways shall be set back at least 100 feet, horizontal distance, from the normal high-water line of a great pond classified GPA or a river that flows to a great pond classified GPA, and 75 feet, horizontal distance, from the normal high-water line of other water bodies, tributary streams, or the upland edge of a wetland as depicted on the Official Town of Windham Land Use Map, unless no reasonable alternative exists as determined by the Code Enforcement Officer. If no other reasonable alternative exists, the road and/or driveway setback requirement shall be no less than 50 feet, horizontal distance, upon clear showing by the applicant that appropriate techniques will be used to prevent sedimentation of the water body, tributary stream, or wetland. Such techniques may include, but are not limited to, the installation of settling basins and/or the effective use of additional ditch relief culverts and turnouts placed so as to avoid sedimentation of the water body, tributary stream, or wetland. The Code Enforcement Officer may require the applicant to obtain an approved erosion and sediment control plan from the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District prior to issuing any permits.

See § 185-15H for more information on roads and driveways.
Refer to the Code Enforcement Department's MyGov Portal to apply. 
See Applications and Master Fee Schedule for more information.