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MapLink™ | Procedures | Violations and Penalties

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Violations and Penalties
A. Approval required before filing. No plan of a subdivision of land within the boundaries of the Town of Windham which would constitute a subdivision as defined herein shall hereafter be filed or recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds until a final plan thereof shall have been approved by the Board in accordance with all of the requirements, design standards and construction specifications set forth elsewhere in these standards, nor until such approval shall have been entered on such final plan by the Board.

B. Approval required before conveyance. No person, firm, corporation or other legal entity may convey, offer or agree to convey any land in a subdivision which does not meet the following requirements:
(1) The subdivision has been approved by the Board and recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds;
(2) The street upon which the lot fronts is completed in accordance with these regulations, up to and including the entire frontage of the lot.

C. Occupancy of multifamily dwellings. No unit in a multifamily development shall be occupied before the street upon which the unit is accessed is completed in accordance with these regulations.

D. No vote if violation exists. No plan shall be approved by the Board as long as the applicant is in violation of the provisions of a previously approved plan within the municipality.

E. Commencement of site work. Not only is creating a subdivision without Board approval a violation of law, but so also within such a subdivision is grading or construction of roads, grading of land or lots, or construction of buildings until such time as a final plan of such subdivision has been duly prepared, submitted, approved and endorsed as provided in these standards, and until the original copy of the final plan so approved and endorsed has been duly recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds in accordance with § 120-912: Final approval and filing.

F. Utility service connections. No public utility, water district, sanitary district or any utility company of any kind shall serve any lot in a subdivision for which a final plan has not been approved by the Board.

G. Nuisance. Violations of the above provisions of this section are a nuisance and shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of 30-A M.R.S.A. § 4452.

See Article 9: Subdivision Review for detailed information.