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MapLink™ | Procedures | Sewage Disposal

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Sewage Disposal
(1) Public sewer system. Where an existing or proposed public sanitary gravity sewer main is located within 1,500 feet of a proposed subdivision at its nearest point, the applicant shall provide, at his expense, a connection to, or extension of, the public gravity sewer main.
(a) The Portland Water District shall certify that providing service to the proposed subdivision is within the capacity of the system's existing collection and treatment system or improvements planned to be complete prior to the construction of the subdivision.
(b) The Portland Water District shall review and approve, in writing, the construction drawings for the public sewerage system. This includes, but is not limited to, the size and location of laterals, collectors, manholes, and pump stations.

(2) Private systems. When a proposed subdivision is not within a distance required for public sewage disposal service, sewage disposal shall be private subsurface wastewater disposal systems. The subdivision may be served by a private central sewage system in accordance with the provisions for central sewage systems in Article 5: Performance Standards. The applicant shall submit evidence of site suitability for subsurface sewage disposal prepared by a Maine licensed site evaluator in full compliance with the requirements of the State of Maine Subsurface Waste Water Disposal Rules. The site evaluator shall certify, in writing, that all test pits which meet the requirements for a new system represent an area large enough to provide a disposal area on soils which meet the Disposal Rules.

See Article 9: Subdivision Review for detailed information.