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MapLink™ | Procedures | Submission Requirements

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Submission Requirements
A. Minor and major subdivision sketch plan.
(1) A sketch plan shall be required for both minor and major subdivision applications. The sketch plan shall show, in simple form, the proposed layout of the subdivision. The sketch plan shall show site conditions and identify important or unique natural areas and site features. The intent of the sketch plan is to provide the applicant and the Planning Board with a flexible and low-cost means to understanding the site, and to create a development plan that reflects the site's opportunities and constraints.

(2) The sketch plan submission shall contain five copies of the following information, including full size plan sets, along with one electronic version of the entire submission:
(a) A complete sketch plan application form.
(b) A narrative describing the existing conditions of the site, the number and size of lots, and the constraints and opportunities of the site. The narrative should outline any traffic studies, utility studies, market studies or other applicable work that will be conducted as part of the preliminary plan (major subdivision) or final plan (minor subdivision) application.
(c) Name, addresses, and phone numbers of the record owner and the applicant.
(d) Names and addresses of all consultants working on the project.
(e) Evidence of right, title, or interest in the property.
(f) Evidence of payment of the sketch plan application fee and escrow deposit.
(g) Any anticipated requests for waivers from the submission requirements for the preliminary plan (major subdivision) or final plan (minor subdivision) application (see § 120-908: Waivers).
(h) A copy of a portion of the USGS topographic map of the area showing the boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
(i) A copy of that portion of the Cumberland County Medium Intensity Soil Survey covering the proposed subdivision. The boundary of the proposed subdivision site must be shown.
(j) A plan of the parcel, with an accurate scale, showing at a minimum the information listed below:
[1] Name of the subdivision, North arrow, date and scale.
[2] Boundary and lot lines of the subdivision.
[3] Approximate location, width and purpose of easements or restrictions (if applicable).
[4] Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
[5] Approximate location and size of existing utilities on and adjacent to the tract (if none, so state).
[6] Existing buildings, structures, or other improvements on the site (if none, so state).
[7] The major natural features of the site, approximated by the applicant, including wetlands, streams, ponds, floodplains, groundwater aquifers, tree lines, significant wildlife habitat and fisheries or other important natural features (if none, so state).
(k) An existing resources inventory and site analysis sketch plan for conservation subdivisions as described in § 120-911K(3).
(3) Note: Major subdivision applications. If the applicant decides to survey the property as part of the sketch plan submission, please refer to the GIS requirements for a major subdivision final plan review. It may be in the applicant's best interest to obtain the required GIS data while the surveyor is on-site.

B. Minor subdivision final plan. The final plan submission shall include five copies of the following information, including full-size plan sets, along with one electronic version of the entire submission. The Board may waive the submission information that is listed in § 120-910B(1)(c).
(1) Mandatory written information. See § 120-910B(1) for detailed information.

(2) Mandatory plan information. The maps or drawings must be at a scale sufficient to allow review of the items listed under the approval criteria, but in no case shall be more than 100 feet to the inch. See § 120-910B(2) for detailed information.

(3) Submission information for which a waiver may be granted. The following items shall be submitted as part of the final plan application, unless the applicant submits, and is granted by the Planning Board, a written waiver request as part of the sketch plan application review (see § 120-908: Waivers): See § 120-910B(3) for detailed information.

C. Major subdivision preliminary plan. The preliminary plan submission shall include five copies of the following information, including full-size plan sets, along with one electronic version of the entire submission. The Board may waive the submission information that is listed in § 120-910C(1)(c). All dimensions shown in feet or decimals of a foot, drawn to a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch showing or accompanied by the following information:
(1) Mandatory written information. See § 120-910C(1) for details.

(2) Mandatory plan information. The maps or drawings must be at a scale sufficient to allow review of the items listed under the approval criteria, but in no case shall be more than 100 feet to the inch. See § 120-910C(2) for details.

(3) Submission information for which a waiver may be granted. The following items shall be submitted as part of the preliminary plan application, unless the applicant submits, and is granted by the Planning Board, a written waiver request as part of the sketch plan application review (see § 120-908, Waivers). The Board may require additional information to be submitted, as necessary, in order to determine whether the criteria of 30-A M.R.S.A. § 4404 are met. See § 120-910C(3) for detailed information.

D. Major subdivision final plan. The final plan submission shall include five copies of the following information, including full-size plan sets, along with one electronic version of the entire submission.
(1) Mandatory written information. See § 120-910D(1) for details.

(2) Mandatory plan information. See § 120-910D(2) for details.

See Article 9: Subdivision Review for detailed information.
See Applications and Master Fee Schedule for more information.