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MapLink™ | Procedures | Parking and Loading Requirements

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Parking and Loading Requirements
(1) Off-street parking layout.
(a) Parking areas with more than two parking spaces shall be arranged so that it is not necessary for vehicles to back into the street.

(b) All parking spaces, access drives, and impervious surfaces shall be located at least five feet from any side or rear lot line, except where a parking lot is shared between two adjoining properties, or where standards for buffer strips require a greater distance. No parking spaces shall be located within five feet of the front property line. Parking lots on adjoining lots may be connected by accessways not exceeding 24 feet in width.

(c) Parking stalls and aisle layout shall conform to the standards in Table 1 of this subsection.

(d) In parking lots utilizing a parking angle of 90°, 30% of the spaces shall be created with a stall width of 10 feet zero inches and a stall depth of 20 feet zero inches. Remaining spaces shall be created with a stall width of at least nine feet zero inches and a stall depth of at least 18 feet zero inches.

(e) In lots utilizing diagonal parking, the direction of proper traffic flow shall be indicated by signs, pavement markings or other permanent indications and maintained as necessary.

(f) Parking areas for nonresidential uses shall be designed to permit each motor vehicle to proceed to and from the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicles. Double-stack parking may be permitted for resident parking in conjunction with residential uses if both spaces in the stack are assigned to the occupants of the same dwelling unit.

(g) Provisions shall be made to restrict the overhang of parked vehicles when it might restrict traffic flow on adjacent through roads, restrict pedestrian or bicycle movement on adjacent walkways, or damage landscape materials.

(h) Parallel parking spaces may be used along internal driveways or accessways. Stall width and depth shall be at least nine feet by 20 feet.

(i) Automobile storage. The parking space dimension requirements in Subsection (1)(c) to (g), above, do not apply to vehicles stored for display, sale or repair. However, the operator of the use shall demonstrate that there is enough land area to accommodate all vehicles within any setbacks or required buffer areas of Subsection (1)(b), above and/or the applicable zoning district. (See Article 4: Zoning Districts).

(2) Minimum off-street parking space requirements.
(a) No minimum number of parking spaces are required. The applicant should demonstrate that the number of spaces provided on-site will meet the needs of the anticipated uses on the property. Shared parking arrangements are encouraged.

(b) Off-site parking. Parking spaces may be located off-site if the spaces will adequately serve the principal use for which the spaces are required. In making this determination, the Planning Board, Staff Review Committee, or Code Enforcement Officer, as applicable, shall consider the following factors:
[1] Proximity of the off-street parking.
[2] Ease of pedestrian access to the off-site parking.
[3] Provision of sidewalks or paths between the off-site parking and the principal use.
[4] The applicant has sufficient legal interest in the land on which the off-site parking is provided to establish control as long as the use exists.
[5] Adequate lighting shall be installed to provide for safe pedestrian movement.

See Article 8: Site Plan Review for detailed information.