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MapLink™ | Procedures | Vehicular Traffic

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Vehicular Traffic
(1) Adequacy of road system. Vehicular access to the site shall be on roads which have adequate capacity to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the development.
(a) Intersections on arterial streets within a half mile of any entrance road which are functioning at a level of service D of or better prior to the development shall function at a minimum at level of service D after development. If any such intersection is functioning at a level of service E or lower prior to the development, the project shall not reduce the current level of service. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Board if the project is located within a growth area designated in the Town's adopted Comprehensive Plan and the Board determines that the project will not have an unnecessary adverse impact on traffic flow or safety. A development not meeting this requirement may be approved if the applicant demonstrates that:
[1] A public agency has committed funds to construct the improvements necessary to bring the level of access to this standard; or

[2] The applicant will assume financial responsibility for the improvements necessary to bring the level of service to this standard and will assure the completion of the improvements with a financial guarantee acceptable to the municipality.
(b) Existing streets and intersections that can be expected to carry traffic generated by the development shall have the capacity or be suitably improved to accommodate that traffic. For the purposes of this section, "suitably improved" shall mean that all of the existing private ways in the road network back to the closest public street shall meet the applicable street construction standard (see Article 3, definition of "street classification," and Appendix B, Street Design and Construction Standards. Appendix B is included as an attachment to this chapter.

(2) Access to the site. Vehicular access to and from the development shall be safe and convenient. See § 120-812B(2).

(3) Accessway location and spacing. Accessways shall meet the following standards: See § 120-812B(3).

(4) Internal vehicular circulation. The layout of the site shall provide for the safe movement of passenger, service, and emergency vehicles through the site. See § 120-812B(4).

See Article 8: Site Plan Review for detailed information.