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MapLink™ | Procedures | Submission Requirements

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Submission Requirements
A. Sketch plan submission requirements.
(1) The sketch plan is intended to provide both the applicant and the Planning Board/Staff Review Committee with a better understanding of the site and the opportunities and constraints imposed on its use by both the natural and built environment. It is anticipated that this analysis will result in a development plan that reflects the conditions of the site; those areas most suitable for the proposed use will be utilized, while those that are not suitable or present significant constraints will be avoided to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, the submission requirements provide that the applicant submit basic information about the site and an analysis of that information.

(2) The sketch plan submission shall contain, at a minimum, five copies of the following information, including full-size plan sets, along with one electronic version of the entire submission unless a waiver of a submission requirement is granted (see § 120-808: Waivers):
(a) A complete sketch plan application form.
(b) A narrative describing the existing conditions of the site, the proposed use and the constraints or opportunities created by the site. This submission should outline any traffic studies, utility studies, market studies or other applicable work that will be conducted as part of the final plan application.
(c) The names, addresses, and phone numbers of the record owner and the applicant.
(d) The names and addresses of all consultants working on the project.
(e) Evidence of right, title, or interest in the property.
(f) Evidence of payment of the application and escrow fees.
(g) Any anticipated requests for waivers from the submission requirements for the final site plan review application (see § 120-808: Waivers).
(h) An accurate scale plan of the parcel, at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch, showing at a minimum the following information:
[1] The name of the development, North arrow, date and scale.
[2] The boundaries of the parcel.
[3] The relationship of the site to the surrounding area.
[4] The topography of the site at an appropriate contour interval depending on the nature of the use and character of the site (in many instances, submittal of the applicable USGS ten-foot contour map will be adequate);
[5] The approximate size and location of major natural features of the site, including wetlands, streams, ponds, floodplains, groundwater aquifers, significant wildlife habitats and fisheries or other important natural features (if none, so state).
[6] Existing buildings, structures, or other improvements on the site (if none, so state).
[7] Existing restrictions or easements on the site (if none, so state).
[8] The approximate location and size of existing utilities or improvements servicing the site (if none, so state).
[9] A Class D medium-intensity soil survey (information from the most current soil survey for Cumberland County, Maine, is acceptable).
[10] The location and size of proposed buildings, structures, access drives, parking areas, and other development features (if applicable).
[11] The sketch plan is not required to be surveyed. Recommendation: If the site is to be surveyed, please refer to the GIS requirements for final plan review. It may be in the applicant's best interest to obtain the required GIS data while the surveyor is on site.
B. Final site plan review application submission requirements. Applications for final site plan review shall be submitted on application forms provided by the Town. The complete application form, evidence of payment of the required fees, and the required plans and related information shall be submitted to the Planning Department. Applications for major developments will not be received until the review of the sketch plan is completed. The submission shall contain at least the following exhibits and information, unless specifically waived in writing:
(1) Minor and major final site plans. All final site plan applications shall contain five copies of the following information, including full size plan sets, along with one electronic version of the entire submission: see § 120-811B(1) for details.

(2) Major final site plans, additional information. In addition to the information required for all minor and major site plan applications, an application for a major final site plan shall contain the following information: see § 120-811B(2) for details.

See Article 8: Site Plan Review for detailed information.
See Applications and Master Fee Schedule for more information.