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MapLink™ | Procedures | Blasting

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The operator must ensure that blasting is conducted in accordance with Maine Statutes as set forth in Title 25, Chapter 318, and 38 M.R.S.A. § 490-Z, Performance standards for quarries.
(1) Production blasting may not occur in the period between 4:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. Production blasting is not allowed in the daytime on Sunday.

(2) On the day of the scheduled blast, or at a greater time requested by a person listed below, in advance of a scheduled blast the operator must notify:
(a) The Code Enforcement Department;
(b) The Fire-Rescue Department;
(c) Property owners within 1/2 mile from the blast site; and
(d) Any other property owners that have requested to be notified.
(3) A preblast survey is required for all production blasting and must extend a minimum radius of 1/2 mile from the blast site. The preblast survey must document any preexisting damage to structures and buildings and any other physical features within the survey radius that could reasonably be affected by blasting. Assessment of features such as pipes, cables, transmission lines and wells and other water supply systems must be limited to surface conditions and other readily available data, such as well yield and water quality. The list of test parameters will be consistent with typical water quality tests and include: metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, As, U, Na, Pb), chloride, color, fluoride, hardness, nitrate/nitrite, pH, dissolved solids, turbidity, radon, total coliform/E. coli, bacteria. The preblast survey must be conducted prior to the initiation of blasting at the operation. The owner or operator shall retain a copy of all preblast surveys for at least one year from the date of the last blast on the development site.
(a) The owner or operator is not required to conduct a preblast survey if the Planning Board determines that no protected natural resource within the limits of the otherwise required survey is likely to be affected by blasting and production blasting will not occur within 2,000 feet of any building not owned or under the control of the developer.

(b) The owner or operator is not required to conduct a preblast survey on properties for which the owner or operator documents the rejection of an offer by registered letter, return receipt requested, to conduct a preblast survey. Any person owning a building within a preblast survey radius may voluntarily waive the right to a survey.
(4) Detonation of misfires may occur outside of these times but must be reported to the Code Enforcement Office within five business days of the misfire detonation. Blasting may not occur more frequently than two times per day.

(5) Underground production blasting is prohibited unless the applicant receives a waiver from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

See Article 6: Mineral Extraction for detailed information.